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Town Meeting Minutes 11/10/2005
November 2005 Town Meeting
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2005

Call to Order
Mayor Mosley called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM in the Cheverly Community Center.  There were 2 citizens in attendance.

In attendance: Town Administrator Warrington, Attorney Colaresi, Chief Robshaw, CMs Oladele, Ford, Hofmann, Oslik, Schachter and Watson.

Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Mosley opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Mosley moved the proclamation for the Tuxedo-Cheverly Fire Department up to Item 4.

Proclamation – Tuxedo-Cheverly Fire Department
Mayor Mosley announced that the Tuxedo-Cheverly Fire Department is celebrating their 75 Year Anniversary.  There will be an acknowledgement in the Newsletter and in the Cheverly Day Program Booklet.   She read the proclamation and presented it to Fire Department representatives Byron Bresee, Tom Daley, David McGary, Jeff Brushwood, Tommy Smith, Kenny Lucas.  A celebration is planned for November 12.

Minutes – 10/13/05 Town Meeting
The minutes will be deferred to the Worksession.

Minutes – 10/27/05 Worksession
Approved as written.

Administrator’s Report
Mr. Warrington reported that leaf collection is underway and leaf bags are for sale at the Town office.  The website will be launched within the next few weeks.  Information made available on the website will include email addresses for the Mayor and Council, leaf collection dates as well as changes to the schedule due to inclement weather and equipment failure.

CM Oslik commented that residents would be able to sign up for reminder notifications for events to include Town Meetings, etc.

Mayor Mosley added a discussion of a gate at Euclid Park, and a discussion on a Dog Park at the Oak Street Park.

Police Report
Chief Robshaw announced that the next Neighborhood Watch meeting would be on November 30 at 7 PM.  Agenda items will include community involvement in upcoming projects such as elderly visitation.  He added that he is looking for officers to fill current vacancies in the Department.

The investigative unit has been investigating a number of contractor fraud cases and two were referred to the State for prosecution.  He reminded residents to be sure that contractors are properly licensed.   He will provide website information regarding how residents can check credentials and find out how to follow up should they fall victim to fraud.   He reminded residents that the Town has a law against soliciting.  He recognized Cheverly resident, Cathy Wintermyer for aiding police in apprehending a solicitor who was found to be in possession of marijuana.

Officers are currently taking inventory of abandoned vehicles.  Most cases have been settled between the Town and citizens.  If a resident chooses, the Town can also remove cars free of charge.

Chief Robshaw invited officers up to model their new uniforms.   

The Department is making an effort to reduce the presence of the drug culture in Cheverly.  Trespassing, curfew and loitering violations will be strictly enforced.

Chief Robshaw asked for residents who use the tennis courts at the Cheverly East Park, to contact him.
A Club Sale will be held through the end of the year at a cost of $5.00.

Any student looking for community service hours can help the Department conduct survey research.  More information will appear in the December Newsletter.

There was one carjacking of a resident in Town and County police is handling this case.  The Chief gave the remainder of the October report (attached to original of the minutes.  

He thanked residents for a safe Halloween.  The problems that did occur were the result of non-residents who were returned to their homes by officers and asked not to return to Cheverly on Halloween.

CM Schachter asked what progress has been made to find a way to for residents to communicate with Cheverly officers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Chief Robshaw responded that a survey will be distributed to residents and one question will be “Have you ever had difficulty contacting the police, if so, how frequently?”  He added that he would like to discuss an interim solution with the Mayor and Council after obtaining legal counsel.

Mayor Mosley added that this issue has been added to Chief Robshaw’s objectives this year.  This topic was also discussed in a closed Worksession.

CM Oladele stated concerns regarding exercising non-restraint where no weapon is visible.  Chief Robshaw responded to CM Oladele that the Department has gone out of their way to find alternative weapons and they are awaiting certifications.  He responded that he would provide a breakdown of where most citations are issued.

CM Oslik commented that he agrees with CM Schachter that potential offenders should seriously consider the consequences associated with illegal activities.  He would like to discuss officer recruitment and retention further.  Chief Robshaw responded that he intends to examine this issue and write a follow up memo to the Mayor and Council.  He responded that on a local level, the State's Attorney has been pushing to lengthen sentences for lethal weapons violations.

CM Watson asked if it was illegal to carry a concealed weapon.  Chief Robshaw responded that you couldn't carry a concealed handgun or carry one openly with the intent to do someone harm.

He responded to Attorney Colaresi that the closest place to purchase a gun legally is College Park.

Mayor Mosley asked if it would be helpful to have a gate at Euclid Park similar to the gate that is at Boyd Park.  Chief Robshaw responded that he is in favor of that recommendation.   Park and Planning would approve a gate if the Town agrees to open and close it daily.  He would agree to this condition.

Cheverly East Park is a potential location for the proposed Dog Park because the tennis court is rarely used.

Mayor and Council Announcements
Mayor Mosley summarized that at the length of Worksession meetings have become an issue.  Starting in December, the Worksession will begin at 8:00 p.m. and end at 11:00 p.m.  An optional third meeting of the Mayor and Council will be held on the first Thursday of the month beginning at 7:00 p.m., adjourning at 10:00 p.m.   The first of these meetings will be on December 1.  The next Worksession will be November 29 due to Thanksgiving.  Ward 4 Boyd Park Issues will be discussed.  Two streets will be closed in Old Ward 4.

The Annual Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 2nd at Legion Park n Park and will be followed by Caroling to Town Hall where there will be entertainment and refreshments.

Volunteers are needed to write biographies of well-known Cheverly residents.  

CM Watson announced that the November 15 meeting of the Zip Code Task Force would be cancelled.  The next meeting will be held in December.  Expansion of the task force to include countywide representation has been discussed.  There will be an announcement in the Newsletter regarding another cleanup of the alley between 59th Avenue, 57th Avenue, Carlyle Street, and Crest Avenue.

CM Oslik announced that the second Worksession to be held on the first Thursday of each month was agreed upon in his absence, is not convenient for him.  Mayor Mosley stated that they could discuss it further.

Worksession: Mayor and Council salaries, additional meetings, Belmont right-of way lighting, department head objectives, hiring personnel, Cheverly Day Dance, Dog Park recommendation letter and the Euclid Park gate.  

Committee Reports

Recreation Council
Barbara Pejokovich reported that the Halloween Party was a success.  The Children's Holiday Party will be held on December 3 at 11:00 a.m.   Entertainment includes The Blue Sky puppets, Santa and arts and crafts.  At 9:00 a.m., the Women’s Club begins Santa’s Secret Shop; which runs until 4:00 PM.

Cheverly Day Committee
CM Watson summarized that 2006 marks the Town’s 75th Anniversary.  Cheverly Day is April 29.  The Cheverly Day Booklet deadline is March 1.  Details can be found on  The Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

Mayor Mosley acknowledged all veterans and announced that Town offices will be closed on November 11 for Veterans Day.  Additionally, last year, the Council voted to close Town offices the day after Thanksgiving.  There will be no Town services provided on these days.

Citizen Input
There was no citizen input.

Resolution Appointing Members of the Planning Board
Mayor Mosley read the resolution to appoint the following members to the Planning Board:

Hubert Guest
Paivi Spoon
Amy Chevalier-Enfantis
Nathan McElroy
Ann Wallas
Joel Gagliardi
Roswell RJ Eldridge

·       CM Hofmann moved to appoint members to the Planning Board under Resolution R-5-05.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

Appointing Members of the Ethics Committee
Mayor Mosley read the resolution to appoint the following members to the Ethics Committee:

Ward 1  Janet Baxter
Ward 2  Jack Stemmle
Ward 3  Paul Freitag
Ward 4  Kenneth Jones
Ward 6  Tony Thomas

·       CM Watson moved to appoint members to the Ethics Committee under Resolution R-6-05.  Seconded by CM Schachter.  Unanimously approved.

Introduction Charter Amendment Raising the Tax Cap
Mr. Warrington summarized that the Charter has set a tax cap, which is the maximum amount to which the Mayor and Council can raise taxes.   Although assessments have risen, the tax cap keeps taxes from being doubled or tripled at one time.  With impending construction for the Police Department, the Town will have to float a bond and taxes must be raised in 2006 to pay it back.  Currently, the town is $.05 away from the cap.  Getting close to the cap makes it difficult to raise taxes.  The proposal is to raise the cap $.05?

Adjourned 10:15 p.m.
Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
November 10, 2005

1.      CM Hofmann moved to appoint members to the Planning Board under Resolution R-5-05.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

2.      CM Watson moved to appoint members to the Ethics Committee under Resolution R-6-05.  Seconded by CM Schachter.  Unanimously approved.